Thursday, June 5, 2008

Some Sensical Sayings For Fun

Be where you all times. Don't let your EGO steamroller your brain! Be kind to others, even if you're not so kind to yourself. Don't point fingers at others, 'cause ya got three fingers pointin' back at you! Don't engage your mouth when your brain's out of gear. Keep a cool tool...don't let your meat loaf. Do good unto others, you'll have many sisters and brothers. When you're drownin', keep your head afloat, that way you won't lose sight of the boat! Don't ask your children to do something you're not willing to do first! Breathe in, breathe out. DON'T pray for patience, 'cause GOD gives that only through difficult trials! ALWAYS remember, no matter how smart your are, GOD is smarter...dummy! When I've been sick, I can remember how great it is to be well. Live to serve, serve to live. The most important job on this EARTH is the creation of new human can't mold a life until you HAVE one. Thank you for my friends, thank you MORE for my family, thank you MOST for YOU! Until next time, redlisab