Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Britney Spears' stigma, shame, and suffering.

I have been following the Britney Spears story; not closely, but generally. I have observed her downward spiral involving possible mental illness, secondary alcohol abuse, and loss of personal rights and esteem, as well as unbelievable media exploitation of this profound tragedy. I am deeply disturbed by the apparent lack of focus on the real issues of this woman and her situation. She is profoundly ill, and must be treated with compassion and concern for her well-being and recovery by the doctors (psychiatrists) and therapists (psychologists) who have the expertise to address the grave concerns at hand. This confused and injured young woman has been blamed, stigmatized, labeled irrational, difficult, etc. What she is currently going through is no different from any other person who is profoundly mentally ill. She needs treatment, not punishment and blame. How do I know this? Because I personally suffer from Bipolar Disorder which started out as Postpartum Psychosis in the aftermath of the birth of my only daughter/child. I can identify and sympathize with her plight, and hope for only the best for her, her family, and her future. Intervention is gravely needed if she is to escape with her life, much less be treated and fully recover. Judge not, lest ye be judged.

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